Thursday, April 21, 2016

Mom is your job real

Calvin was asking me this morning about my business.
He wanted to know if I have a website. Yes.
Is it professional?  Yes.
Did someone have to authorize it?  Well I pay for for it and it can't be inappropriate but no one really authorizes it.

He is seeing changes in my photography. Many more clients coming to the studio. Lighting, backdrops. He's noticing my business is becoming a business. I told him that in a family parents have different roles and responsibilities at different times.   I told him that when you first start a business you don't make a lot if any money. I started working when I was young by babysitting, then tanning salon, dance/gymnastic studio, dancewear store, preschool etc etc. When David wanted to go back to school to be a chiropractor I started a business and went to preschools and taught dance and gymnastics on site. Then we decided it would be a good idea for me to get a job in a chiropractic office to learn all of the office management/insurance side of things to help him when he graduated. David was working hard at school and wasn't able to work while he was in chiropractic college.  I was happy to work so that eventually we could make a great life for our family after he graduated.  I then worked at another chiropractic office in our hometown while David was doing his preceptorship which you also don't get paid for.  Then he started a chiropractic business and it was a lot of expenses and took a long time to get established, get paid from insurance companies and we were very lucky that the doctors who's office he worked in needed a chiro assistant so I was able to work for them and bring Corynne, who was a newborn with me. Sometimes David would keep her at home on his days off and bring her to me to nurse. I worked at the office until I got pregnant with Calvin and just decided working at his office, teaching dance and trying to manage a house and 3 kiddos (who came to work with me) wasn't a feasible option.   So I finally became almost a stay at home mom (I still taught 1 dance class).  As Calvin got older I started teaching more and was teaching around 20 classes a week for a few years and last year decided to focus on my photography.

I often hear "photography is a hobby not a job"   It is a creative outlets for people  to share their passion and talent with others.   And if I am getting paid for is a job!   Will I become a millionaire?  Nope I doubt it. But I am so happy doing what I'm doing and wow what a full circle. I have helped and supported David through the years so he was able to go back to school and start his business and now I am the one needing the support to build a business. Life is funny that way.  I call it the circle of giving and it is applicable to so many areas of my life!  Support others if you can and if you have a person who has supported you make sure to thank them and don't ever forget what they did for you because they probably gave up things for themselves to help you.
I'm sure I was never thankful enough for everything that my parents did and I regret that.  But now I'm old and smart and can be grateful.

I think making lists and thinking of all that you have done and all that others have done for you is a great exercise in gratitude!

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