I'm not huge on bribery but when there are things that you just can't seem to get under control sometimes a reward for good behavior can come in mighty handy! Calvin has been having issues with walking down to our room in the middle of the night. I take him back up and put him to bed and he is fine. Just a weird habit he came across when he got a bed that he could get out of. So he had a chart and after sleeping in his bed without waking me up he got a ukulele. Luckily we found my moms old ukulele so all we had to do was buy new strings and tuning knobs and viola reward. So he got it last night.
TK has had a horrible time leaving mom when we do our hour visits. The last one a couple weeks ago I honestly was worried someone was gonna call the cops thinking I was kidnapping him. So this week I bribed him with a bike. A lady who had donated a pair of snow boots to him saw me at the Y and said her son had won a bike and wanted to give TK his old one. So he left like an angel from his visit and yesterday got his bike and she even gave him a helmet.
Calvin also got a bike from Keefer. He is so excited to have a big boy bike.
Here's a few video's of the kids doing Zumba class
Calvin looks so big on his "new" bike!!!