Sunday, September 18, 2011

Circle of Giving

I try not to ask for favors unless I really need them.  I know everyone is busy with their own lives so to ask someone to take on one more thing is always adding on more stress into their life.  But, sometimes when you really need it you just have to ask for help! 

I like to refer to the "what comes around, goes around" theory as a circle of giving.  And yesterday I cashed in big time with lots of people.

We had a wedding family wedding and it was adults only except for wedding party kids and a few older cousins.  We were very excited about going and had arranged for kiddos to stay overnight with my mom.  A week ago we had our Nutcracker meeting to find out what roles the kids got and found out that rehearsals started yesterday which meant girls could not be out of town. 

Here is what happened:  Josie had dance from 9:45-12:30.  I dropped her and 2 friends off at dance and then headed to Plainfield to drop Calvin off to my mom.  A wonderful mom (Rose) of girls Josie dances with took her home after dance, fed her and then brought her back w/her girls for Nutcracker rehearsal at 3pm.  David dropped Corynne off to Maudlin's who fed her took her to Nutcracker rehearsal with their daughters, then they took Josie to another friend Humphries for a sleepover and Maudlin's took Corynne home with them for a sleepover.  Then Bethany came to our house and fed Teddy (our new dachshund) walked him, and gave him some needed attention after being in crate since 1:30.  All the while this was going on David and I were able to go to a beautiful wedding and reception and enjoy it knowing our kids were all safe and sound. 

My circle of giving sometimes involves tangible items, maybe a favor, a service, just friendship, a good cry or a good laugh.  I hope you all have wonderful people in your life that can help you create your own circle of giving.

Here are my SUPER Heroes from yesterday!