Wednesday, February 23, 2011

My health and fitness lifestyle change

Up until my c section with Calvin I was the most fit I have ever been in my life.  I worked out 5 days a week ate healthy and loved how I felt and looked.  I was very depressed over having a c section and then not being able to work out for 6 weeks was tough too.  Then I had a tiny little baby that I didn't want to exposed to childwatch at the Y.  I tried several times to start working out again but there was always something keeping me from going.  When Calvin got old enought that we felt comfortable with him being in childwatch he was then old enough to cry when I took him so then I felt bad and again didn't follow through with my goals.  This fall my sisters in law and I were all in a rut and wanted to lose weight so we all did a 20lb weight loss challenge in 6 wks ending on thanksgiving 2010.  It was a success and also was the beginning of me being healthier, more fit and most of all feeling so much better about myself.  I continued on to lose another 8 lbs by christmas and have now lost a total of 34 lbs.  I am actually in my pre Calvin size clothes and some are even getting loose.  My goal now is to just stay where I am and do more strength classes to keep toning up.  I kept thinking I would do it by my 40th, but I ended up a year late.  So Happy 41st to me!  My life has changed for the better and I am a better mom, wife, friend because of it.  One of these days I will post a before and after pic.  Not that drastic compared to some, but to me it is a huge change.  I have to say that my awesome fitness instructors at the Y who keep me motivated with great classes and motivational talks really kept me on my path.  Thanks Ladies;)